Joël Hoachuck

Welcome to Waiters World!

Morbi pharetra, quam id consequat imperdiet, lectus est tincidunt massa, eu posuere leo nibh non fermentum

Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo. Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo.

Clean Up
Clock Out
Wine Opening Tip 1

3 Important Tips:
Opening a Wine Bottle

Opening a bottle of wine correctly lets your customers know that you are a professional!

Face the label towards toward the customer.

When cutting the foil, do not turn or twist the bottle. The label should continuously face the guest.

Pour the wine from the right.

As often as possible, pour the wine from the customer’s right side with the label facing the guest.

Know how much wine you need.

Be aware when pouring a bottle of wine for a large party that you do not want to run short. If you are pouring for a party of 8, know that a 750 ml. bottle is equivalent to 25.3 oz.  Divide 25.3 oz. by 8 people and you know you have approximately 3 oz. of wine per person.


Which side does the oyster fork go on?

The right.

The oyster fork is the only fork to be placed on the right.

Which side does the oyster fork go on?

The right.

The oyster fork is the only fork to be placed on the right.

Which side does the oyster fork go on?

The right.

The oyster fork is the only fork to be placed on the right.

Which side does the oyster fork go on?

The right.

The oyster fork is the only fork to be placed on the right.

Which side does the oyster fork go on?

The right.

The oyster fork is the only fork to be placed on the right.

Which side does the oyster fork go on?

The right.

The oyster fork is the only fork to be placed on the right.

“I’ve been following Joël around from restaurant to restaurant throughout his career and have continuously had top notch service and great experiences each and every time!”